Monday, February 9, 2015

Shhwatches & Fonts

I like color as much as the next person, unless that person is someone like Harper from Wizards of Waverly Place (throwback Thursday), but I wanted to keep it simple for my swatches, so I went with an unoriginal purple scheme. Yay go me.

I do like these colors, especially all 3 that are on the left. I think I would have liked to make the top row a bit more purply though. Purple is my favorite color, so I guess that's why I wanted to use these colors, not just because High Point's colors are purple. 

Here are my fonts. I don't have photoshop on my laptop so that's why I can't do fancy type for my body type. Boo... But if I did, these wouldn't be the fonts I would use. My favorite font ever is Assassins, but I couldn't find it to download. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why Is This Girl Laying in Grass?

So this is my original image, of a girl in a beautiful dress laying in grass. Probably not the smartest idea mom.
So here we have auto curved, which made the image more saturated. Basically it just took the high-tones and made the image a bit darker.
In this image, the mid-tones have been made darker. You can tell the difference a little in the girl's arms and in the foliage.
Adding vibrance makes the image a little more saturated without going overboard. The grass is greener and the red/orange on her dress has chance just a bit. Her skin is glowing more, and it just looks really good. If only we could add photoshop effects to clothes in real life to help her mom get the stain she's going to havevoff her dress.