Monday, January 26, 2015

On Cloud 32

 These are very pretty clouds I have here. Well one of them is. I like the first one. These are clouds saved in different file formats: JPEG, PNG, and GIF. This first cloud is a JPEG file format, or Joint Photographic Experts Group, is one of the most common file formats for photographs. It's also not a transparent file format.
 This is a GIF file format, or Graphics Interchange Format allows you to animate an object. Obviously, this cloud isn't animated.

This is a PNG file format, or Portable Networks Graphic. It's also a very common file format, and can be used when you want a transparent background. Did you purposely make this cloud look like Zero from the Nightmare Before Christmas? I've only seen parts of that movie and I can tell the resemblance is uncanny.
Yay I heart clouds.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

3 Attempts at Transforming Photos

So for the assignment we had to do, I couldn't decide between 3 sets of photographs I took. I like them all, so I thought I would include them all in this blog post.

This first group of photos, I was walking back from Astronomy class, and I noticed this clock and knew I wanted to use this for my assignment. This was the base photo I took:
I thought "okay, this isn't too bad, but i can't really read the clock, and I want to only focus on one side instead of two. Plus the building in the background is kind of random. So  I came up with this second image:

I like how the clock is very prominent in this photo, but the attention is taken away because of the blue dome in the back and the reflection of tree branches. So maybe a different side of the clock would be better so the branches wouldn't reflect, hence the third image:

This one is pretty good. But I thought the angle on the clock was too low, and that it was awkwardly cut off at the edge. So picture number four:

I loved the outcome of this image, even with the reflecting branches. I think there is image balance with the tree on the left. I just wanted a little closer of a shot:

And here is the outcome of the clock photo journey! I still wish that the branches weren't so visible, but it doesn't ruin the image, and kind of adds a unique element. I just really liked that tree in the background, there wasn't really a reason for it.

Because I liked the tree so much, I thought maybe I could get some interesting pictures in a garden, so I went to the statue garden. I've always liked the gated entrance, so that's what I took my picture of:

This image is just plain awful. I hate both buildings in the background, and the blue statue, and how the gate isn't centered. I decided to focus on the gate:

Better, but odd. It's an odd angle, and the building and statue are still visible. So I decided to go closer:

It was this image I realized I loved how the rust looked on the flowers, and that to avoid the building, I would need an extreme close up, so that's what I went for:

The flower looked awesome. BUT THE PESKY BUILDING WAS STILL THERE. I needed to either point the camera down or up, and up looked a bit more interesting:

Even though you can't see much of the gate, you can tell it has some significance, even meshed in with these tall trees. I love how this turned out. 

I wanted to try and turn a dead-ish plant into something cool looking.. so I started with a wide shot of some dead bushes: 

Okay, so this image is so completely ugly. But I really liked the coloring of the bush on the right, and thought a close up would be cool:

Okay better, better. But the color seems faded. So I tried an even closer shot with a play on the light to get some color:

Awesome. Great, we got some color. But the image is dull. It's straight forward and just not interesting to look at. It was at this moment, I looked straight up and liked the way the clouds looked in the sky, and I thought, holy crap, this could make for a killer picture. So I knelt down in the dirt and pointed my camera up:

Boom. My favorite picture in this whole set of photos in this blog. The leaves look so mighty because of how close they are. They look more significant than the huge trees in the background. I loved the whole idea of how unsaturated the foliage looks, and then the hint of blue from the sky. I find it interesting how at first I wanted color in this sequence of images, and ended up loving the hint of color instead. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

About 32 Me

I feel that if I'm going to talk about myself, then I should start this post off with my favorite quote:

"Stay gold, Ponyboy."

I have no idea why it's my favorite, but it is, just like a lot of the things I like: I have no idea why I like them, I just do. 

Any-who, I have been playing softball since I was five. I've played on rec teams, middle school teams, varsity high school teams, and competitive travel ball teams. Softball is a big part of who I am, and I was kind of bummed High Point didn't have a varsity team I could play for. I've also played basketball and golf. I didn't pursue basketball long. I found it boring honestly (figure out how I thought basketball was more boring than golf) so I switched to golf my freshman year of high school. I was pretty darn good at it, and in my second year playing, I only missed going to Nationals by one stroke. 

Another thing about me is that I am a huge music fan. Before I go any further, I'd like to distinguish between "wanna-be music fans" and real "music fans". If you call yourself a music fan, you better like near close to every genre of music, not just pop or rap. You better like rock, country, pop, rap, indie, opera, alternative, metal, show tunes, 40s and 50s, and everything in between. I think the only genre of music I don't listen to is heavy death scream-o "I hate everyone" music. If you ask me my favorite bands/songs, I couldn't answer you without using up a whole notebook.

Along with music, I'm also a huge movie buff, which is also why I want to major in film. My favorite genre of movies are comedy, and family comedy. I can narrow my favorite movie list down to about 15ish, and I add a new one at least every week. 

To finish up, here are a couple of fun (aka boring to everyone but me because I think I'm funny) facts about me:
-My favorite colors are purple, black, and white
-I have to sleep with a window open. Have to,have to, have to. But my roommates hate the cold, so needless to say, I suffer through the night
-I hate seafood. If someone smells like seafood, I will politely excuse myself far away from said person
-I have a name for every one of my stuffed animals, including my four foot stuffed dog named Leeroy. 
- I have moved 5 times: from Rome, New York to Wilmington, NC to Hampstead, NC and then to Charlotte, NC (yes I'm aware that's only four, I lived in two houses in Wilmington)
-I hate talking. Hate it. So please refrain from calling on me if you please... I just don't like it. 
-I'm very sassy, that's where I get the nickname Sassy Cassie

So I hope you have enjoyed this pointless blog post that only one person will ever read... I hope. 

Have a good night, arrivederci!